Job Opportunities

The Village of Mayo has 9 full time permanent staff members.

Clerk Treasurer Job Ad

Public Works Student Supervisor Job Posting

Pool Assistant Job Posting

Public Works Assistant Job Posting

For the summer months, the Village of Mayo hires several seasonal employees.



Summer Students

The Village of Mayo is a proud supporter of our youth and has a variety of employment options for them to choose from. Village of Mayo uses these youth in a variety of ways in an attempt to teach them a broad range of skills, ranging from landscaping, recreation, carpentry, painting, mechanics, vehicle operation, power tools and inventory control. Under the present format, Village of Mayo hires one supervisor position and 4 worker positions reporting to this supervisor. There are two other independent positions available; one at the Recycling Centre and one at the Swimming Pool. All Student jobs are open to those individuals continuing education and preferably between the ages of 15 and 25. Exceptions may apply.



FireSmart Program

For many years the Village of Mayo has been involved with YG on the implementation of a FireSmart Program. This program provides for employment of local citizens and contributes to the safety of our community in the event of a wildfire threat. Historically a crew of 4 or 5 individuals will be involved with this program for approximately 10 weeks, beginning in the Fall.