Click on a link below to open up the Bylaw as a PDF.
- #55 – A bylaw to establish and provide for the regulation of cemeteries plus the collection of cemetery fees.
- #92 – A bylaw to provide for the control of animals
- #111 – A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close a highway
- #124 – A bylaw to provide rules governing the procedures of council
- #133 – Snowmobile Bylaw
- #149 – A bylaw to close a highway
- #152 – A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close a highway
- #161 – A bylaw to provide for the regulation of the speed limit in the Village of Mayo
- #162 – A bylaw to provide for 4-way stop signs at the intersection of fourth avenue and laurier street
- #173 – A bylaw to establish Funds for the Village of Mayo
- #180 – Service Charge Recovery
- #181 – A bylaw to discharge a portion of taxes
- #182 – A bylaw of the Village of Mayo to provide for the inter-municipal licensing of certain businesses carried on in various municipalities in the Yukon Territory
- #187 – Investment bylaw
- #188 – Village of Mayo Emergency Measures Bylaw
- #189 – A bylaw to adopt a municipal flag or emblem
- #190 – A bylaw to establish the position of the Chief Administrative Officer, make a provision for appointment, and define the duties of the position
- #197 – A bylaw to provide for the four way stop at the intersection of first avenue and front street
- #211 – A bylaw to provide a property tax Grant to Senior Citizens
- #212 – A bylaw to appoint an auditor
- #213 – Interest rate bylaw
- #215 – A bylaw to establish and enforce regulations regarding excessive noise within the boundaries of the municipality of Mayo
- #226 – A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close a lane
- #227 – A bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan
- #235 – A house numbering bylaw
- #238- A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close a lane
- #239 – A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close an old road
- #242 – VOM non-smoking bylaw
- #243 – A bylaw to authorize a Reciprocal Insurance Exchange Agreement with seven incorporated Yukon communities
- #247 – A bylaw to provide a community investment grant
- #260 – A bylaw of the Village of Mayo to abolishment of Single Use plastic bags
- #262 – A bylaw to authorize the Village of Mayo to close a lane
- #284 – A bylaw to establish and maintain a Recreation Board
- #286 – A bylaw to provide a system of registration for Municipal Elections
- #297 – A Bylaw to repeal bylaw #49, a bylaw of the Village of Mayo to propose an amendment of the Mayo Development Regulation prescribed by Commissioner’s Order 1976230
- #298 – A bylaw to repeal bylaw # 84, a bylaw to establish a Community Reserve Fund
- #299 – A bylaw to repeal bylaw # 154, a bylaw to alter the boundary of the Village of Mayo
- #301 – A Bylaw to establish the Mayo Volunteer Fire Department and the procedures to be followed by the Department during the course of operation
- #306 – A bylaw for transfer of unpaid water, sewer, solid waste charges to Property Tax Accounts
- #308 – A bylaw to provide for the supply and use of water, relating to the water distrubution system and sewer collection and processing system of the Village of Mayo, and to provide for Solid Waste disposal
- #313 – A bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan
- 319-a-bylaw-to-provide-for-licensing-and-regulating-businesses
- 320-2017-zoning-bylaw
- 321-a-bylaw-to-charge-against-real-property
- 325-a-bylaw-to-provide-for-an-indemnity-for-mayor-and-councilors
- 326-a-bylaw-to-offset-property-tax-for-the-daycare
- 327-a-bylaw-to-set-the-speed-limit-inside-of-village-of-mayo-boundaries
- #333, A bylaw to set the speed limit inside of VoM boundaries
- #339, A bylaw to amend the OCP and Zoning Bylaw
- #340, Conditions of Employment for Municipal Employees Bylaw
- #341, A bylaw to take charge against real property
- #342 2021 Property Tax Rate and Minimum Tax
- #343 2021 Annual Operating Budget
- #344 Capital-Budget-and-Capital-Expenditure-for-the-next-3-years
- #345, A bylaw to regulate the conduct of the Municipal Election
- #346, A bylaw for charges against real properties
- #347, Animal Control Bylaw
- #348, A bylaw to set the 2022 tax rate and minimum tax
- #349, a bylaw to adopt the 2022 O&M Budget
- #350, adoption of the 2022 Capital Budget and Expenditure Program for the next three years
- #351, A bylaw to take charge against real property
- #352, OCP
- #356, A bylaw for Council Indemnity
- #358, A bylaw to take charge against real properties
- #359, Solid Waste Bylaw
- #365, Fire Department Bylaw